Outdoor counselling is quite a different experience to that of pitching up to a counselling room. Being in a more natural environment can help put you at ease and the moderate exercise involved helps the brain on a number of levels. This includes boosting endorphins, which block pain and increase pleasure sensations, as well as increasing dopamine with subsequent improvements in mood and motivation.
The approach to counselling is still the same, ie helping you find your ways forward by creating the space for you to talk through what is on your mind. Having a non judgemental space to explore and untangle your thoughts and experiences can allow you to make sense of what has happened in your life and to start to consider new ways to approach your future.

I am based in Cheshire and offer outdoor counselling around the Lymm, Wilmslow and Knutsford area. With the south westerly winds climbing towards the Peak District there is of course a fair chance of rain so it is important to be prepared for adverse weather - never the wrong weather, just the wrong clothes as the saying goes!
Walking sessions are normally one hour and cost £50, however I am fine with 90 minutes or two hours if you feel a longer span would help. If having the time and space to talk through the things that are blocking you whilst having the benefit of exercise, the natural beauty of Cheshire and a listener without an agenda appeals then get in touch via the contact form or give me a call. If it goes to voicemail it is probably because I am in a session in which case I will get back to you as soon as I can. We can then have a chat to get a sense of what would help and agree a time, location and length of walk that works for you. Usually I would aim for one of the parks around the area and am also open to what works best for you.
Sometimes folks are put off by counselling as they may see it as an ongoing commitment stretching into the future. My approach is to try and make each session self contained in its own right with no expectation that you will continue - when and whether to come back to do more is entirely with you. It could be you have what you want and are OK without any further time or you may want to return after a few weeks or months when it feels right for you. You are in control, it is your pace and your process that needs to be respected.